Graduate Studies Division: -

It is one of the divisions of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering which based on the development of graduate studies in a qualitative and quantitative manner in accordance with the University's main objective in:


1- Preparing a cultured generation armed with science and relying on a peaceful basis to bring about radical changes and putting scientific knowledge and scientific method in                thinking and analysis in the service of the goals of the homeland and eliminate the backwardness of the past.

2 - To promote the status of the university as a center of creative radiation of culture deep in the original social values

3. Preparing the faculty members and researchers required by the higher education and scientific research sector and those with the professional or applied competencies needed by      the government departments and the labor market.

4. Distribution of graduate studies, scientific research and technical and technological specialties in the light of the requirements of national development and development of the          country and in accordance with the successive discoveries and the accelerated progress of science and technology in all modern humanitarian facilities and activities.

5 - Work to deepen the balance between the progress of theoretical science and the applied aspects

6 - Find solutions for the future problems of social, economic and scientific and the perception of distant needs and think to solve it.

7 - Link the graduate studies with the interim needs of the national development plan and responding to them and to develop appropriate applied scientific solutions for the                    problems that they suffer or to develop proposals and controls to solve them.

8 - Identify the subjects of scientific messages and papers for all postgraduate studies to ensure the development of research related to the requirements of national development           plans or facilitate the solution of scientific, economic or social problems faced by society

The development of new channels and channels in higher education to reflect their modern technological reputation and that the disciplines and research are consistent with scientific development and on this basis, the Division has assisted the scientific committees to determine the goal and the specifications of the graduate of each study and in light of this developed the study plan and vocabulary curriculum, taking into account the curriculum of the terms of reference A debate at the universities of the world and the needs of the labor market and the Division is in the archiving of graduate students.
